Mothering is round the clock.... like laundry :). I love it more than anything I've ever done, and I love him more than anything in the world, but kids have this thing about routine.... eat, play, sleep, eat, play, sleep, etc. until tomorrow when we do it all again! So in between the eating and the playing (during the sleeping), comes the mommy moments. The times when I actually can eat lunch, or read, or well... throw in a load of laundry. Its in those moments that this blog will take form. So forgive me if there is a missing sock or an occasional dirty t-shirt thrown in here somewhere. It probably just means that the baby woke up mid-sentence and the cycle started over! But, my hope for this blog is that it is a mis-matched collection of funny stories, cute sayings, and life lessons I learn from my child(ren) and my husband during the simplest moments.
Perfectly said! :)